Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:00:35]:
Welcome. Welcome. Welcome. Welcome. It has been a minute since the last time I've done a live stream. Did 1 I did a series this summer, and I'm back. Took a little bit of a break, but I'm back to writing again, writing this book. Don't bring box Macaroni to the cookout.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:00:53]:
That's coming soon. I signed a deal with Solution Tree, so I'm excited to Share with you what I'm learning, the research that I'm doing as we move along. I'm not gonna hold you too long today, and I'm not gonna spend too much time with the pleasantries, The the beginning stages and whatnot. I wanna get right into today's topic because I'm really excited for today. So let me pull up my slides here. Let's see if I can get this going here. Oh, I forgot to put, present screen. Let's do that here.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:01:24]:
Share screen real quick. Hang on. Hail. Like I said, it has been a little bit of time since the last time I have done a live stream. So I'm just getting let me get that set up. That's my bad. There we go. Alright.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:01:42]:
Here we are. Today's topic is Believe to achieve the influence of social learning. At the leading. Oh, my bad. Should be learning learning in education. Look at this. Many times when I read this presentation, I still got typos. Alright.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:02:01]:
Don't don't judge. Don't judge. Let's skip to the next slide. Okay? Okay. Alright. As always, remember, current book that's out is Leading Equity, Becoming an Advocate For all students that is currently available, make sure you get you a copy. And do me a favor. If you did get one off of Amazon, Shoot me a a quick not shoot me, but put a a quick review.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:02:24]:
That'd be helpful for, the the book sells as well. So the current book is Leading equity, becoming an advocate for all students, and don't forget to, do that. Also also, as always, please subscribe to the channel As L, Eakins a lot. Alright. Now we are going to be talking about believe To achieve, but this is part of a 4 part series. Okay? I am doing 4, For the next 4 weeks, I guess. And then I'll take a little bit of a break, and then I'll come back with some more, live streams as well. So today, believe to achieve the influence of social learning In education, we'll be talking about social learning theory.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:03:07]:
Next week, we'll be talking about get this out of your head. You can you're never completely done learning. And then February 1st, we'll be back. Not taking a stance is taking a stance. And then the last session in this 4 part series is the fear of not doing It right. Okay. We'll be talking about that. I'm excited to share all of this research, all this information.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:03:33]:
I'm excited to share this with you. So, again, if you're not already subscribed to the channel, make sure you're subscribed to the channel so that you can keep up each week. And click that bell so you can get notified As well. Alright. Let's get into it. Today's agenda, we're gonna talk about social learning theory and our beliefs, connecting beliefs to Student achievement, then we're gonna wrap things up. You know me. I like to give you strategies.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:03:58]:
So we're gonna wrap things up with the impact In educational settings, how we're gonna sum all this together, how all this impacts educational setting. And keep in mind, The way that this is going to be framed all of this is gonna be framed from a sense of belonging standpoint. And if you have followed me from before, you know, a sense of belonging, the formula is very simple. In order for a student to have a sense of belonging, they must Have 3 things. It must feel accepted, supported, and included within their school environment. So all of that today is going to be centered around that formula. Accepted, supported, and Included. Alright.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:04:43]:
So what contributes to our beliefs? Well, I'm a start with a quote. What people think, believe, And Phil affects how they behave. The natural and extrinsic effects of their actions In turn, partly determine their thoughts, patterns, and effective reactions. That's why this is so important. What we believe affects how we behave. Right. Now I wanna give you a little bit of research, a little bit of background. You know how I do.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:05:19]:
I'm gonna introduce you to this man. You may have heard of him before. Doctor Albert Bandura was a social, psychologist. K. And he did a lot of work. Now a few things I wanna share about The social learning theory is what he's known for. Now you might have heard of behaviorism. Behaviorism is essentially you know, You think about positive reinforcement.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:05:43]:
You think about you know, you get rewards. You think about how you know, if I do these type of things, Then I get maybe some intrinsic, rewards which intrinsic means, you know, I'm doing this for myself. Right? Going to the gym, losing weight, That's intrinsic. I I'm not doing anything beyond that. It's just I wanna feel good about myself. Maybe I'm worried about my health, but there's no competition. There's nothing there. But the extrinsic piece, right, the reward from doing you know, going to the gym, is you might Wanna compete.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:06:15]:
You might wanna get on stage. You might wanna do some bodybuilding things. Right? And in order to compete, you're wanting to maybe, do these diets and workout, things like that so that you can win an award, win 1st place, win overall. K? So that's the difference between intrinsic motivation An extrinsic motivation. Now Bandura felt like, alright. I believe in this, but I don't think that this is the only way People learn. He felt like, you know what? There's other things that might play a factor in regards to how we Tend to learn things. Okay? So what he did was he did a study, a series of studies called the Bobo doll Experiment.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:06:55]:
So down there in the corner of the screen there, you see the little doll, you know, the little punching bag doll. The what he did I'm not gonna go into too much detail into it. There's some research that you can do on your own, or you could read my book when it comes out. Don't be, don't bring boxed macaroni to the to the cookout. You can read that later. Right. Because it'll be more detailed in there. But, essentially, what he did was he had Eakins, put them in a room with toys.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:07:20]:
Right. And then he would have adult actors come into those rooms, and he says he just beat up the doll the the Bobo doll And and mistreat the doll. Maybe you even scream and yell at the doll. So what he learned from these observations Was that a lot of kids would behave or mimic that behavior that those adults are doing. So when the kids were alone with those Bobo dolls, They would do very similar things. He did a lot of series of studies and what he determined from that was People tend to learn based off of what they've seen. Right? They they they see how someone behaves, and depending on the reaction that comes from that behavior, they might want to incorporate those behaviors themselves. And you gotta follow me because I'm gonna share why all this makes so much sense from a sense of belonging standpoint.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:08:14]:
K? Now, essentially, we learn by example. Let me let me give you a classroom set Situation. Imagine you're in a classroom or maybe your students are sitting in the classroom. Maybe you got 1st grader, 2nd grader, 3rd graders, And they're in your classroom and they, you know, beginning of the school year, you've already given the classroom protocols. Okay. This is what you do when you need to Sharpen your pencil. You raise your hand and you go and do your thing. Alright.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:08:41]:
Sharpen your pencil, come back. Blah blah blah. I remember when I taught 2nd grade, what I used to do was I said, You throw up a number 1 finger, that meant that you needed to sharpen your pencil. You need to get up or throw something away. If you throw up a number 2, That meant that you might need to, you might actually have a question. You know? So I could kinda tell, like, we had hand signals in when I taught 2nd grade. Right? And so when a classmate sees 1 student do the correct quote unquote correct behavior in that class And the teacher praises them for what oh, good job, Johnny. I'm so glad that you did what you're supposed to do.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:09:18]:
You put your pencil away or Or you sharpen your pencil at the right time. Or you know what? I see how you're treating Mary. You're so kind to Mary. You noticed that her shoe was untied, and you and you went down there and tied her shoe for her. Thank you for what you're doing. So what happens When the other classmates, all the peers in that classroom, start to see that there's certain behaviors that happen, and the teacher praises them for that behavior of learning by example, for example. Alright. Another another way that we can maybe put this as think about riding a bike.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:09:52]:
Right? If you know how to ride a bike, somehow you learned how to ride a bike. And often, we have learned to ride bikes from watching other people ride bikes. In addition to maybe our parents or guardians or someone significant in our lives helped us out during that process. But there had have been some sort of an example at that time in order for us to learn those steps. K. Let's go a little further. Because with Bandura's work, there are 4 steps in the social learning theory. Right? Four steps In the social learning theory.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:10:29]:
K. The first step is attention. The first thing is we have to pay attention To that behavior, it has to spark our interest. If I'm not interested in, I don't know, farming, maybe that's not my thing. K. I could care less about how to milk a cow maybe. That's just that. I grew up in Houston.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:10:51]:
I'm a city guy. I could care less About how to milk the cow. That's not maybe a behavior that I'm trying to pick up, k, or process that I'm trying to learn. Alright. So there has to be Consideration of the behavior, there has to be some sort of attention. Because of that, it must be remembered. Now if we are distracted in these times, Then there can cause some delay in that process or maybe the attention could the retention might go back to the attention piece. Right? So the behavior must Be remember, then there must be reproduction.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:11:22]:
So now okay. The behavior sparked my attention. I I like what I see, and I remember what I saw. And now I'm going to try to mimic it L. And then finally, And motivated. And, again, that could be in the form of some sort of, some sort of of reward. Okay. So, again, if I see the behavior is praised, if I do something and, that or I see somebody do something and, you know, they get a hand claps or or they get a pat on the back versus I see someone do a behavior and I see that, you know, it's not received L.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:12:00]:
Maybe they get chastised. Maybe they get yelled at. Oh, shoot. I probably shouldn't do that. That's not something I I I wanna try Because I don't wanna either get in trouble or things like that. K? So these are just the 4 steps in a social learning theory. Alright. Now how does social learning theory relate to our beliefs? Okay.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:12:29]:
Let's talk about it. 1, Observation of others. So for example, now and and we talk about bias a lot. Right? And And and my my children love to jump on me about biases. Oh, daddy. Daddy, you'd be biased towards somebody. Right? And and a lot of times the things about biases we we come from maybe our influence, what we watch on TV. Right? But on a co close knit circle, like our our our families, our friends, our teachers, For example, these are individuals that maybe we hang around all a lot, L a lot of time with, and then we maybe unintentionally again, implicitly, We tend to gravitate towards those individuals that share a lot of commonalities with us.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:13:17]:
Right? So observations of others It's something so we might see the way our parents behave or or we might see some of the the things that our our friends do, the jokes that they make. Those might influence us. K. Hopefully, you can see how all of this can connect to a sense of belonging. K? Now not only that, modeling examples. So okay. So maybe my my family, my friends, teachers, somebody I picked up on something that they do. I liked I like something that they do.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:13:49]:
I wanna pick it up. So then I start to mimic those behaviors as well. And then again, I reinforce it by seeing what happens when I do these type of behaviors. What happens when I smile at someone Or what happens when I say certain things to certain people? What type of response? Is it a reward Or is it, not a reward? Alright. Now think about it from an advocacy standpoint. Let let's take a a really good advocacy Example. Let's say I'm in school, and I'm noticing that, a certain group of students are being mistreated. Maybe they're immigrant students.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:14:31]:
Maybe they just come to America, or maybe English is not their first language. And so I'm doing my best to to speak up or advocate for those students, but maybe I don't have the words to utilize. Maybe I don't know how to articulate myself as best I would want to. Like, I know something needs to be done, but I'm not sure how to go about it. But then I have a mentor or maybe I have a colleague who, you know, their personality is they They'd seem it almost seems as if they could care less what the repercussions are. They're gonna speak their mind, And I've witnessed them speak their mind, raise their hand or or or say something in the middle of a staff meeting had a principal or mister such and such or miss such and such. This is not right. We need to revisit this.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:15:21]:
And I watched that behavior of that colleague And I watch how they, how the response is given. Maybe their supervisor responds a certain way. Maybe the overall response from the room is a certain way. Now I had to consider or might I might consider, okay, is that the tactic that I want to take When it comes to this, I get I get a lot of principles. Bulls, I get a lot of district folks. I get a lot of DEI, diversity, equity, inclusion individuals that reach out to me. They say, Sheldon, I want you to come to my school. I want you to come to my district.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:16:04]:
I want you to come here. I want you to come there. I want you to speak and do this training, And maybe the trainings on asset based pedagogy. I want you to tell our teachers, our staff, That every student has the capability of learning. I want you to come to school and do that easy. Say less. I got you. And a lot of times those individuals that reach out that I'm working with, they say, I've been literally telling the same thing every week, Every staff meeting every school year.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:16:36]:
I swear I've been saying these things, but for some reason, no matter how many times I try to drill it into my staff's Minds. That is very important for our our teachers to be culturally responsible, or it's very important for us to recognize our biases. I just need someone to come in and say the exact same thing I've been saying, or maybe those same individuals like, you know what? I need the support, but again, I know it needs to change. I just don't know how to go about doing it. Can you get it started So I can mimic that behavior, so I can mimic your approach, so that change can occur. Now what we didn't know, what I didn't know at the time, all of this is part of social learning theory. A lot of people will watch how Things are done in the way it is received. Then they can choose whether or not they're going to speak or act that way based off of the influence that was provided when individuals receives either rewards for praise Or, some sort of, quote, unquote, discipline.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:17:53]:
I can't tell you how many times staff had told me, you know, I I I I wanted to speak up in a meeting, but I said what I said and I got shunned. I said I'll never speak up again, or as individuals that'll say, I spoke up, I got shunned L I got called out. I got accused of this or accused of that. I learned from that experience. I said, I'm gonna approach things differently because of how it happened, or I saw a friend or colleague go through this trial, Go through this situation and based off of how they went through it, I just said, I want to do the same thing, and I'm going to approach it differently. I know many of us have decided we're going to do things a little bit differently, especially if you're someone that's watching this and say, you know what social justice, I I wanna be an advocate, but I've learned from my predecessors mistakes. They didn't do it right. It came too hard maybe or or or or maybe they they spent too much time, honing in on 1 area and didn't look at it from a broader scale or they expected overnight results.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:19:11]:
I didn't realize, you know, we're talking about generations of situations that had that need to To to to change, and it doesn't change overnight. I've talked about microwave equity. Right? My good friend Cornelius Miners brought this up to me years ago. Microwave equity. Put something in, you know, warming up. We're good to go. Now when we're talking about generations, a systemic things that have taken place Doesn't change overnight. Takes time.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:19:47]:
But we can learn from people's paths And see if there's if it's better for us to approach it differently. The next thing about social learning theory Eakins our beliefs is the cultural influence, the societal norms that shape our beliefs. And I talk about the embracing culture in our schools, The dominant culture. The idea of well, we accept you. We want you to come in and and be like us. It's okay to be yourself, but just don't be yourself here. How cultural influence Shifts our beliefs and our the way that we behave and ultimately shifts the way that our students behave. And then finally, Social validation.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:20:37]:
We're in the age where TikTok, Instagram, Twitter or x, Facebook, all these different you know, a lot of our young kids don't use Facebook. You know what I'm saying? They they using TikTok and Instagrams, but the idea of fitting in and getting acceptance Mothers. How many followers can I get? Right? I want followers. That's how we move. That's That's the age that a lot of our our students are are on. Right? And then you got the young ones that are are wanting to grow their channels. They wanna grow their profiles. What's quote unquote trending.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:21:21]:
Does that ring a bell? Societal pressures of me to find a reel is trending audio, trending, you know, Comedy jokes, things like that. How can I repurpose it? Why? Because people can see, oh, I played this audio for my real is getting a lot of reception. There's a 1,000 other people that have used the same audio and it seems We growing and that is going to influence how I'm going to proceed on what kind of music or audio I'm gonna utilize For my own reels, for my social media. Why? Because I want the social validation because I want to grow my channel. I wanna grow my profile. I'm a victim of that L, raising my hand. K? When I when I post reels, when I do things on social media, I'm thinking about how is this going to be received, or did I watch someone else post a certain way? Oh, look. They got a lot of likes on that.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:22:26]:
I should do the same thing. So it influences our students, and it also influences us as adults. Alright. I'm gonna shift gears just for a moment. K? We're still talking about beliefs, but I'm shifting gears for just a moment. We're gonna connect beliefs to student achievement. Why is all this important, Shauna? Why does my belief Or why is it important that my beliefs as a teacher, as an educator, as a principal, as a counselor, social worker? Why do my beliefs matter when it comes to student achievement? Let's talk about it. There's a research study done in 2021 Multi country.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:23:13]:
And is the results said that only 48% Of teachers believed all all students can learn regardless of familiar L, y'all can't see this. Pull it up. My bad. Only 48% of teachers believed all students can learn regardless of Familiar background or educational experience. Only 48%. Only 48. That's so low for it. So less than half less than half of teachers believed all students can learn.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:23:49]:
Now, If you know me, you know, I used to do special ed. I was directed to special education at the school, and I would confirm this, especially from our five zero four IEP students. Right? I had plenty of teachers that will Ask me questions. Do you think these students can do this? Do you think your child because a student could I I can't tell you how many Teachers that I've spoken to that asked me about students that were in our special ed program. And the question was, Do you think they're capable of making it to college? Can they give be college graduates? So this number 48%, I think that makes sense. And like I said, this is a multi country. It's not just US is a multi country Study. Alright.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:24:41]:
Let's go a little further. Talking about the work of doctor Katie Martin. It coincides with this idea of 48% of those that believed in their student because it affects the way we teach. K? Now if we Now we've talked about this before. We tend to teach the way that we learn or the way we were taught. So if I don't, if I'm a teacher and I don't believe that my students Well, I have a low expectation for my students. So my actions towards those students aren't gonna be maybe I put in a different type of effort. K.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:25:25]:
Maybe maybe I'm not challenging my students because I don't think that they're capable Of doing this work, then that translates into the student's beliefs and about their capabilities, which goes into their actions and ultimately goes into their outcomes. However, If we have strong beliefs in our students and pro and we present that through our actions that we have strong beliefs through them, That translates into our students' beliefs, actions, and outcomes. I'm a show you a stair study a little bit later on That confirms all of that. Just a simple phrase that we could utilize that can cause, Great impact. Positive impact on our students. Alright. Let's wrap it up. Last piece wrap not wrap up, but the last piece to this.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:26:25]:
K? Summing it all together, our beliefs, how we learn things by actions, and then our beliefs in our students' abilities and how that reflects how we teach, how that overall impacts educational settings. K. 1st one, so it's learning theory. Modeling the formula. Again, making sure students feel accepted, supported, and included. Now when I say that students tend to mimic their teachers actions or they watch their peers and see, Oh, this child was praised for this behavior. How does this relate to a sense of belonging? Well, let's just say we have students That are different, that are not part of the dominant culture. And these students, are, maybe we have a student that doesn't look like the rest of the class, or maybe the student's behavior is a little different than the rest of the class.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:27:36]:
They're not part of the dominant culture, And that teacher takes the time to treat that student In a way that doesn't make them feel othered, that doesn't make them feel tokenized or excluded. A student is loved and embraced, and the students around his classmates, their classmates can see. Oh, wait. The teacher is not mistreating the student. The teacher is treating the student great. I should do the same thing, or maybe Johnny Give a compliment. You know what? I I I saw this, you know, maybe we're at lunch. And the student brings in a a meal that doesn't look like the meals of others.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:28:24]:
So maybe this is, that normally Students in the past have turned their nose up. Oh, what are you eating? Oh, that smells. And they watch maybe the teacher compliment the food or or maybe a classmate compliments the food. Oh, Johnny, that was so nice of you for what you said. Or or or or, Johnny, thank you so much for treating that student that way, And the other kids can see that. Oh, maybe if I say nice things or maybe if I, this seems that, you know, maybe the student isn't what I thought they were or maybe people like this, this individual aren't the way I thought that they were. You know, maybe my parents at home or uncle Bob said that people like this are certain way, but I'm realizing no exes are not. Not only are they not that way, but I'm seeing everybody else's treating them fine.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:29:26]:
Maybe I should do the same. See how that works? This is how we can make a positive impact just by the behavior. We are often influenced. So I said by our family, friends, colleagues, etcetera, who we choose to hang with Makes a difference. And how we choose to behave based off of who we chose to hang with Or the TV station that we choose to watch or the news stations, the the the websites we go to, and how we choose to respond and behave based off of that Influence that we receive or social validation that we're looking for. Because guess what? Sometimes the classroom, The staff room might feel a certain way, but you know what? Is it flat out wrong? But is that social validation gonna be so strong that we're not willing to go against the grain? Because, oh, I don't wanna lose my clout. Everybody seems to be talking about those inner city kids, so Everybody seems to be talking about the kids in that trailer park, in that bad neighborhood. Everybody seems to have the same thoughts.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:30:46]:
Socially, I could participate in that conversation. Be all good. Or Is this an opportunity for me to go against the gray? And say, you know what? I know it's the norm for us to talk like this and talk about these kids In this way, however, it's unacceptable. The next 1 is a simple phrase. A simple phrase. Let me give you some more research on this. Joerger, It's all. K.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:31:23]:
Joerger and his colleagues back in 2014, they did a study. K. And and it's a very simple study. It said black kids, that were receiving b's and c's. And what they did was they asked the students to write an essay. Alright. Write this essay. And once they did the essay, they turn it back in, and they divided them into 2 groups randomly.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:31:47]:
Right? The whole sample experiment. Alright. 1 group of students of black kids in the 7th, and they're all in the 7th grade. So 1 group of kids, they received Feedback that was very standard. You know? A nice little note that said, I'm giving you these comments so that you will have feedback on your paper, on this essay that they did. Right? Then there was another group of students that received a message that was different. It said, I'm giving you these comments Because I have hot very high expectations, and I know that you can reach them. See the difference? 1 group got, I'm giving you these comments so that you'll have feedback on your paper.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:32:29]:
The other group got, I'm giving you these comments because I have very high Eakins, and I know that you can reach them. Now if you can imagine, guess what happened? Probably guessed it. Right? The kids that got the message that said, I'm giving you these comments because I have very high expectations. They did better than students. They got a standard message. A simple phrase. Right? Now with the study, The researchers said, okay. We're gonna give you an option.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:33:09]:
You can actually revise you know, they gave them feedback. Teachers gave them feedback, and they said you can re we'll give you the option To revise your paper, your essay. The ones that got the high expectations comment, 64% of them revised it versus only 27% of the black students Did not, from the from the regular feedback, did not. So you already got a difference. When when the teachers required The students to revise, guess what happened? K. 88% of the students that received the high expectations message Did better. L, only 34% of the students that received the standard message did better. So the simple phrase, again, beliefs.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:34:03]:
We're talking about beliefs. A simple phrase, if you're not doing this already, just see For kicks and giggles, write that on your paper. Now here's why this is so important. If you might say, alright. Cool. I get it. But here's the thing. When we look at our teaching demographics, Teaching demographics is I wanna say it was 83 or 84% white teachers, the last time I checked.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:34:34]:
However, our student demographics look different. Right? We know that our student student demographics are over 50% of color. Now, unfortunately, there are a lot of our black students, African American students who are in classrooms where the teachers do not look like them. And then there's there's historically, there's a lot of trust challenges there. K. A lot of our stew and there's research that supports that students tend to do better when they have teachers or educators that look like them, Let's share share similar backgrounds. They tend to do better. There's research at backs.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:35:13]:
I don't have it in front of me, but there's plenty of research. You can go Google that. K. So when you have teachers, don't look like the students. You got a lot of students that don't trust their teachers, And a lot of teachers maybe a lot of students have seen teachers come and go. Oh, they're only there for for a a year. Maybe they're there for a semester. They're just doing their student teaching, whatever it is.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:35:36]:
Right? They're not they're long, and they see a lot of teachers in and out within their their school. So they don't necessarily trust a lot of the educators. Oh, you just want me you're just here for paycheck, or you're just here because You're, you know, this test that you're giving me is just a test. I don't think you believe in me. Writing that comment, I have high expectations for you. I know that you can meet them. Can make such a difference, especially when you have students that do not look like you in the classroom. Research supports that.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:36:20]:
K? Yeager et al 2014. Last 1 is make the make beliefs visible. That's one thing to say. Oh, Believe in all students. All students are capable of learning, but there can't be a a a parenthesis. And within that parentheses, as long as you act and behave like the rest of the Eakins. How do we visibly show our students that we believe in all kids? K. We can show that through our support on certain initiatives.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:37:01]:
Maybe Black Lives Matter or a a a p I or immigrant or LGBTQ plus, 8 oh my god. LGBTQIA plus. Right? Are we visibly Supporting those as well. May we have, symbols or or or or things out there. And, again, I I I always say don't limit that. Don't just put a poster on your wall or a rainbow on your door and and call it it call it good. K? Our actions need to be there as well. But, again, how we model, how we treat other students I don't wanna say other students because that doesn't even sound right.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:37:38]:
How we treat students, Especially our students who historically haven't received the same fair treatment as everyone else Can spread that behavior, that social learning theory. Kids pick up on that behavior that we utilize on others. K. Final thoughts. We talked about students learn by example. We learn by example. We learn by our influences Or or we're influenced by others often. K? Now like I said, you you might heard of BF Skinner.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:38:24]:
You might have heard of, class classical, conditioning. You you might have learned about the behaviorism. Albert doctor Albert Bandura took it a little bit further. He said, you know what? It's not just Praise, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, intrinsic, extrinsic motivation. There's more to it. I said, flat out, a lot of times, we learn by example. So again, our students watch how we treat other students. They watch how we treat other peers, your colleagues.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:38:58]:
They watch that. They watch how each other students treat each L. If they get praised for their behavior, if they if they Do the right thing. If they say say save something nice or if they treat students, we talk about, you know, treat others the way you wanna be treated. We learned that as a as as kindergarten. Treat others way you would like to be treated. We teach that early on. K.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:39:28]:
We talked about that and how that influences our students, how it influences us. From an advocacy standpoint, if we are sitting there and we say, you know what? I wanna speak up, but I watched how, mister Jones spoke up last week, How it was received. Maybe there's a different path that I wanna take. I wanna still speak up, but I wanna approach it differently. I see a lot of my colleagues working in diversity, equity, inclusion positions. They they get to a place where They their confidence gets low because I see a lot of these positions only the folks last only 1 to 3 years. Or I I I see, unfortunately, I see a lot of people that want results overnight. Again, we're we're talking about generations.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:40:18]:
We're talking about years years of Injustice or or or just straight up wrong. That change is not gonna occur overnight. It takes time. At the end of the day, it's important for us to affirm Believes, affirm identities that our students feel accepted, supported, And include it. If you're liking the cert series so far, Do me a favor. Subscribe to the channel. Make sure you share this with others. K.

Dr. Sheldon Eakins [00:41:04]:
That's all I have for you today. Remember the words of doctor Martin Luther King Junior. If you can't fly, then run. If you can't run, then walk. If you can't walk, then crawl. But by all means, keep moving. Let's continue to be a voice Eakins equity.

Hosted by Dr. Sheldon L. Eakins

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This show is built on three principles

  • The  Power of Preparation- Discover ways to develop a plan to address inequities in schools.
  • The Power of Persuasion- Gain an understanding of the art of influence and create a sense of urgency towards change.
  • The Power of Persistence- Recognize how to endure challenges as they may arise.
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