Sheldon [00:00:00]:

Welcome advocates to another episode of the Leading Equity podcast. A podcast that focuses on supporting educators with the tools and resources necessary to ensure equity at their schools. Today's special guest is doctor Eunice Ofori. And without further ado, Eunice, thank you so much for joining us today.

Eunice [00:00:18]:

Thank you. I'm I'm excited to be here.

Sheldon [00:00:21]:

Pleasure's all mine. I'm excited for today's conversation. We're gonna be talking about accessibility, and mobile learning. And and I want to share this this episode so badly because, I mean, with these times now with, you know, technology and all these things. So I'm really excited to have this conversation with you. But before we get started in that conversation, I'd love for you to share a little bit about yourself and what you currently do.

Eunice [00:00:45]:

Yeah. Absolutely. So my name is Eunice Ofori. I'm originally from Ghana, and I have been an educator for 20 plus years. Accessibility is one thing that is deep in my heart because my experience in Ghana as an educator Did not really highlight support for students with any form of disability. So in coming to the United States, I was set out on a mission To really figure out how to make, education accessible, study, whatever I can, take certificates, whatever I can do To make sure that I'm I'm able to provide and everyone have the opportunity, everyone have the asset to bring to the table. So starting graduate school, I also had a life experience where one of my children was diagnosed to be on the on the autism spectrum. So going through all of that and iep meetings and a b therapies and all of that really solidified And my desire to really follow after an equity, you know, beginning from being able to help my son and really getting into, okay, how best Can I can my life really count in terms of making sure as as an educator, everyone is able to have access to The much needed education? So I have a a master's and a PhD in curriculum and instruction with an emphasis on instructional design and technology.

Eunice [00:02:04]:

I've also had I have a certificate in accessibility core competence and special education. So, majority of my work Focuses on providing equal access to education for all by providing, and supporting academic communities to develop and teach research based innovative learning experiences to ensure that everyone is able to enjoy the learning process. So currently, I work at Tulane University. I work here as a senior instructional designer. I'm also a program coordinator for their special education program And teach us well.

Sheldon [00:02:37]:

Yeah. Pleasure's mine. And I just wanna clarify because I have a special ed background, you have a special ed background as well. And some of the things I heard in regards to, you know, telling us a little bit about yourself is you mentioned accessibility, but I've heard it from a couple directions, from a special ed side of things as far as, you know, working with students in that capacity, and then also from an access side of things. We're making sure that everyone has access to a device. So are we having a conversation in regards to mobility and I'm sorry, mobile devices in regards to from a special ed side of accessibility and also from a just having making sure everyone has an access to an a device.

Eunice [00:03:21]:

When I talk about accessibility in, you know, in terms of what we are talking about today, It's looking not only special education, because I always say that when you create instructional content with accessibility in mind, everybody else benefits from from that regardless of your ability or disability. So that's where I'm looking at that. But mobile devices in a sense that mobile devices everywhere. People have mobile devices. Students, you know, whether they have a disability or not, they all have mobile devices. Same as in Ghana and same as here in the United States as well. Create an instruction to put on these mobile devices. And mobile devices also are much, much more smaller than the regular, computer.

Eunice [00:04:03]:

So it's important that you create instructional content to put on it that would be useful for its viewers. So accessibility in terms of everyone being able to assess the content, if everyone being able to see what is on there And be able to achieve their goals, you know, based on assessing, instructional content from these mobile devices.

Sheldon [00:04:24]:

Alright. Just wanna make sure we set the, we had the understanding, and I wanna make sure I was on the same page as well. So let let's get into it. You have guidelines 5 guidelines that we're gonna discuss for accessible in learning message design. What is message design? Let's start there, and then, we'll we'll start off with the first one there.

Eunice [00:04:44]:

Yeah. Absolutely. So message design talks about the content that you are putting anywhere. Right? So when you talk about Message design, you are talking about the combination of text, color, combination of contrast, combination of Different aspects that goes into text itself. So any sort of message on a mobile device or you are typing anything out, that's a message. Anything that involves text, anything that comes together to form some sort of idea or a concept Is is what we term the message design. You know, a message design could be a video. A message design could be an audio.

Eunice [00:05:24]:

Right? So there's different aspects of a message, And all of that comes together to to we call it a message design. So in the world of instructional design, which is what I've had a lot of experience with with my training, We talk about message design as content or information that you are putting together for a particular audience.

Sheldon [00:05:42]:

Okay. So is this part of the lesson plan process?

Eunice [00:05:45]:

Yes. So lesson planning is absolutely also a type of message. So if you're planning a lesson, you want to think about the message. You want to think about What you are putting together. You can work really hard, create courses, create your lesson plan in an effective way, But if the message and the and the and the content is not accessible or the people that are they are intended for able to get access to it or they are not able to review it, then all the effort you've put in you you put in comes to waste. So, really, anything that is going to any form of audience, be it students, be it any audience you have. It could be k twelve. It could be higher ed.

Eunice [00:06:25]:

It Could be a conference. It could be in the office. Anything that you are putting together, that is a message. And you wanna think about the design and its of that design right from the beginning, not not to retrofit it to the end

Sheldon [00:06:40]:


Eunice [00:06:40]:

But to at the beginning.

Sheldon [00:06:42]:

Makes sense. That makes sense. Okay. Well, the first one that we have listed on the guidelines for the guidelines is what?

Eunice [00:06:49]:

So the first one we've listed on the guidelines is general content design. The guidelines have been divided into 5. So the general content design looks at the message itself in general, the instructional text using a simple and clear writing style. So all of these things you wanna think about If you are teaching undergraduate students or if you are teaching 1st graders, you wanna use writing style that is simple and clear for your student. You wanted to limit the concept to 1 concept per screen. So this is in connection with mobile learning. Because mobile devices are very small, when you are designing it, you wanna think about putting 1 concept per screen. Because if it's too many concept per Screen.

Eunice [00:07:34]:

The audience would would would be would have a content overload. Right? We've called it cognitive overload. So you want to make it as simple and accessible and easy as possible. You want to use speech input as a viable alternative for text entry. Right? So if they can use their voice In in putting something in that device, you want to think through that, including a menu or table of contents so people can navigate to specific areas within the same content. So table of content becomes definitely something that you want to do in mobile learning, including accessible mobile learning, applying consistency in the use of designing element. So let's say if you have multiple slides, We want to make sure that you you you make it as consistent across all devices or across all the screens as much as you can. Keep sentences short and be consistent with the navigation and function.

Eunice [00:08:28]:

So if you have, like, a next Previous button. You want to make sure that that is repeated on every single page, avoiding the use of excessive scrolling, previewing The content on the, on variety of mobile devices. So on the design phase itself, make sure that you are looking at it on an iPad because looking at something on the, You know, even a smallest a smaller screen computer is different from looking at it from a smaller device. So if you have a Smaller mobile device, you wanna view the content on it before you move it out.

Sheldon [00:09:01]:

Alright. So, basically, the General content design is kinda like your overarching, maybe a template if you will, just to kinda get started and keep going. And I love how you broke it all down. And folks, There is a image that I have linked into the show notes as well. So I know you're probably out there trying to drive or on a Treadmill right now listening to this. The notes are there for you. If you just click on the show notes link, and you'll be able to get access to this image that, doctor Ofori has created for us. What is the second one that's on the list there for us?

Eunice [00:09:37]:

Yeah. So the second one is general content presentation. We look at the the general content design, but in in presenting the content to them. Right? So the design phase is more on the designer side, right, on the teacher side. The general content presentation is more of the things that the student will be able to see, right, and engage with. So it's it's it's more on The, student side, you know, kind of in between that, you want to look at designing content in small units. Like, we usually have a term called chance So have smaller chunks of units. So, like, let's say you are teaching, you know, a lesson on maybe microbiology or something like that.

Eunice [00:10:22]:

You want to put it in smaller chunks. You put a smaller units instead of for example, if you instead of having, like, And our video. Right? Maybe putting it in smaller 5 minute ish, 2 to 3 to a 2 2 to 5 minute ish video. So mix make your content as small as possible, deliver content in the simplest possible format. So simplicity is always, It always supersedes, complexity. Right? So the simplest way that you can present the content to them, the the audience are able to engage with that A lot more than having it comp in a complex form, presenting information in multiple formats. So this is very important. So because that your your learners that, you know, there's learner variability.

Eunice [00:11:06]:

Right? Like I mentioned, like, I can tell a story all day. One of my my kid on the spectrum would never get it. But once I take a piece of paper and write it in bullet points, not in a paragraph form, He immediately gets it. So students or your audience would have would have different ways that they engage with your content. So you want to think about presenting the content in a multiple different ways. So combination of text, graphics, audio, and videos. You wanna you you want to think about that. Another point is also avoid small font size to ensure legibility.

Eunice [00:11:43]:

In terms of font size, in the world of accessibility, we call something sans serif font. You want to use fonts that are eligible. Once we get to the text, We'll we'll talk a little bit more in details about that. So you want to avoid smaller text and use text, sizes that are legible. And then you also want to check the readability of your content you are putting on the mobile device.

Sheldon [00:12:09]:

How do you check the readability? Is that you just physically open it up on one device, and look through it yourself?

Eunice [00:12:14]:

Correct. So there's also a readability, you know, checklist or a readability button that you can check, Click on in either Microsoft Word or PowerPoint to check what what what that looks like. But you want again to look at all of the, text You have put on the devices on multiple different devices to really fully see whether it's readable or not.

Sheldon [00:12:37]:

Got you. Okay. So we've talked about, first, we start with the general content design, and we go into the presentation. Then what's next?

Eunice [00:12:46]:

So the next one is design for context. So we are looking at 3 different points in terms of designing for context. So the context is more on the aesthetic than it is on the content itself. So designing for context, first thing that you wanna think about is providing a clear and consistent way to return to the home the home screen. Right? So in the in the general content Design, we're talking about navigation. Right? But the the divide designing for the context is, like, wherever you find yourself on the mobile device within the content that you are designing for your student, you should be able to go back to your home screen. Right? So if somebody say, oh, no. I want to go back to my table of content And look at a particular item.

Eunice [00:13:30]:

You want to be able to provide that clear and consistent navigation across all the pages where your content is so that the audience or the participant can go back to or your students can go back to the home screen to assess other content there. Another thing that you want to also think about is the the aesthetic of the of the buttons. Right? I I think we talked about the buttons, but this one this is also Very important. To make the buttons easy to click and use with one hand. This is important because some, some students might Well, some of your audience might have a pen in their mouth is what they use as their pointers. I might have different type of disability, so Making the buttons easy to click with 1 hand and you and looking at the usability of it is very important. Another thing that we also want to think about is navigating the the navigation should provide easy access to help both the technical and the instructional. So in terms of providing navigation that is easy to help both the technicals.

Eunice [00:14:34]:

So technicals is just more of the app and the the The design of the the device itself, but also the instructional contents that you already have on those on on that device also As well. So when you look at the design for context, you are looking at more of the aesthetic, helping the students to be able to Go through the content from one to the other seamlessly and be able to return to other other screens within the content And and have easy access to it.

Sheldon [00:15:05]:

So, essentially, making sure that it's user friendly.

Eunice [00:15:09]:


Sheldon [00:15:09]:

Is okay. Absolutely. Mhmm. I like that. So and and that's important. Sometimes we forget about that because, like, we create something, And we know how to use it because we created it, but we wanna make sure that our students are able to to navigate. So I'm I'm assuming that you also want to take some time, or allocate some time to show the students, here's how to navigate, here's to get back, here's the browser, here's here's this, here's that. Correct?

Eunice [00:15:36]:

Yes. Correct. Absolutely. And then the design for function originally was not on the original guidelines I created, but I collected data from computer Signs, and those were the major things that they suggested. So I I don't know if I mentioned from the beginning that this was a design and development research That was done. So I collected data from 5 expert reviewers in various different fields. So based on their feedback and input, I brought everything back together and use the the feedback to update the guidelines. So the the guidelines were up was updated based on expert recommendations.

Sheldon [00:16:11]:

Got you. Okay. Cool. Alright. So general content design, general content presentation, design for context. What's number 4?

Eunice [00:16:21]:

Design for function. So designing for function in thinking about how the the content itself behaves. Right. So in the in the previous, category, we're talking about more of the aesthetics. But then in the design for function, how functional would that be for your audience to use the the the, the content you have put on the device. Right? So one one thing to think through is including The ability to preview previously viewed content. And that it's you know, some designing for function sometimes kind of bleeds into design for context. But a designing for function is more giving the user the flexibility to navigate through the content as easily as possible.

Eunice [00:17:05]:

Another thing to also think about designing for function is to provide the opportunity to stop and start the module activities as desired. So let's say if I start the module and I'm not able to complete a particular module, I should be able to stop it. I should be able to have the content saved and then be able to continue from where I left off. But then if you are having the student you know, if you don't think about designing for the function of How the content behaves on the devices, and then I have to restart every single time. Then I'm frustrated, and then the whole thing becomes not as useful of an experience for me. The most important thing, putting a content on any device or putting any message design or any message together Is to be able to get to your audience. So providing that opportunity for them to start and stop and giving them that flexibility, in whenever they want to assess the content goes a really long way. Another thing to think about is designing content such that Mobile users can readily view content the content despite device screen size.

Eunice [00:18:11]:

And I think this kind of bleeds into other categories as well Because of the the sizes are smaller, if you had viewed it from the beginning, this probably should should already have covered that. Avoiding pop ups, mouse overs, or auto or refresh for mobile content. So you want to also make sure that You limit the amount of pop ups you have to so that your your audience are not frustrated, and they are able to enjoy, you know, reading the content and Engaging with it in an effective way. Another thing to think about is using cloud based computer file storage and sharing to address storage and access needs. So sometimes there's limited storage. So if you have some sort of cloud based storage that you can Incorporate in your content, that would be also a wonderful way to look at the function of the the the text or the content the message you have put out there. And then also exploring the use of speech recognition as a plausible means of entering data. So having them being able to use their voice in assessing the content.

Sheldon [00:19:16]:

Love it. Love it. Okay. General content design, general content presentation, design for context, designed for function. What's our final one?

Eunice [00:19:27]:

The final one is content enhancement element. So the content enhancement elements include add in text, video, audio, graphics, and color. The content enhancement is really at the crust or the, the foundation upon which all the messages come together. You know, not that the function, the context, the presentation, and then the general design doesn't matter. It all matters. But, essentially, the Content enhancement element, the element itself that goes into the message is definitely the foundation. In terms of the content enhancement element, so we'll look at adding text. So when you are adding text, you want to avoid the inclusion of text that duplicates the audio narration formation.

Eunice [00:20:13]:

If you already have the audio narration going, you want to avoid the inclusion of text on the image itself. You want to include, alternative text for sure that complements the video, but you don't want to have To include text, which already is represented in the audio. Using text signal Strategies. Example, highlighting, bolding, pointers, first, second, or firstly, secondly. So using those signal signal strategies to point a student to what they have to look at first and what they have to look at next. Using sans serif fonts. So when you talk about sans serif fonts, there are some fonts that are known as serif fonts, some fonts that are known as Sans serif fonts. Sans serif fonts are what is recommended because of its legibility.

Eunice [00:21:04]:

So an example could be ARIA. I used to use Times New Roman all the time, but not anymore, because time every content that you are putting on the web, You have to use sans serif fonts such as Ariel, such as Calibric, Helvetica. Those are sans serif fonts, and those are the fonts that are legible that you have to use. You want to make sure there is no extra inflection on the on the side because if someone, for example, has dyslexia, Then it would it would interfere in them assessing their content.

Sheldon [00:21:36]:

So Times New Roman is not a sans serif?

Eunice [00:21:39]:

No. It's a serif font. Okay. Yes. So when you look at to be able to tell, most of the sans serif fonts are linear leaner With no extra inflection. When you look at, Times New Roman, it has like, the t has extra inflection on the side. That is as it's those are serif fonts. So even though it looks legible, the the most legible fonts are the sans serif fonts, and it's recommended that you use those in any content that you are creating.

Sheldon [00:22:10]:

So okay. Well, why okay. Times New Roman. I I got a question. So Times New Roman is is typically the the standard, if you will, when it comes to, like, hey. I want this 12 inch font, double spaced, Times New Roman. Like, that is typically what we'll see throughout our k twelve and even higher ed. So we're saying that's wrong, that we should actually if we're wanting to be accessible,

Eunice [00:22:35]:


Sheldon [00:22:35]:

need to be looking at sans serif, like you I think you said, Courrier New. You said Calibri. Alright. Helvetica, Ariel. Those are just some examples.

Eunice [00:22:45]:

Correct. Yes. Those are called sans serif fonts. So any any content that you are create, And I had to change that too. Mhmm.

Sheldon [00:22:52]:


Eunice [00:22:52]:

had to be intentional about updating that information. And the thing with with you know, especially putting it on a screen.

Sheldon [00:23:01]:


Eunice [00:23:01]:

So what our research shows is that if it's being printed on a paper, You can use some some you can use serif fonts like Times New Roman. But if it's on an, electronic device, On a projector, on a computer, on a phone. Whatever there is, you have to use that because, you know, for example, somebody who has dyslexia might not be able to Tell you that, oh, I have that. But then the the words might confuse them because of the extra extra inflections that are added to some of the letters. You have to avoid that as much as you can. Yes.

Sheldon [00:23:34]:

I'm sorry. I I cut you off. I didn't know if you were if you still had more for the content enhancement element.

Eunice [00:23:39]:

I do. Yes. So the next category under the content enhancement, element. So we talked about text. We also have add in video and audio. In terms of adding video and audio, segment video and audio files into smaller chunks when possible. Research shows that 5 to 10 minutes is It's a good, video length. Anything beyond that that your audience are completely shut off from that.

Eunice [00:24:05]:

So the smaller the video, the better it is. Adding, captions to video and transcripts to audio content is a must for every video even if it's YouTube. And sometimes you might choose a YouTube video, and sometimes the captions are horrible. So you want to also pay attention to add that content that you have not created and to see whether it makes sense. So, you know, for me, coming from a different culture into United States, I did not I don't have any form of disability. But One thing that I noticed is that, wow, American talks so fast. That was my experience at the beginning. I don't feel that anymore because it's been so many years.

Eunice [00:24:44]:

Having the live, you know, live captions or having captions on any video was the way that I was able to follow instructional content. That is why when you think about accessibility, it's not only about people with disability. Everybody else would benefit from that. Somebody can be in a in a crowded Starbucks as an example and would want to still assess the instruction or content. So they probably would follow the the transcript or the captions that are on there. So it's absolutely important that you think through that in creating audio and video. Providing easy and accessible controls for audio and video. So for example, pause, playback, go forward, Providing all those aesthetic to it is also very helpful.

Eunice [00:25:28]:

The next thing to think about in terms of, the content enhancement is adding graphics. Adding graphics, any non text item. Anything that is non text item, you have to add appropriate textual, visual context to it. Another aspect of that is alternative text. Mhmm. So alternative text is a way for someone who uses a screen reader. So a screen reader is an assistive technology that I actually use assistive technology. Plus, I was in graduate school because I was, you know, I was a full time mom, a full time graduate student.

Eunice [00:26:05]:

So I'm cooking, and I'm listening into instructional content. It is important that you think about alternative text from the beginning at the design phase, not at the end. So if you are in a habit of Add an alternative text. If someone has a screen reader and they assess the instructional content, but you do not add, add any alternative text, It skips that. It just says graphics. Then it doesn't add to the meaning of the content you are putting on the screen. These days with, you know, Office 365. Whenever you add an image or you add, like, a graph, it asks you to add alternative text to it.

Eunice [00:26:41]:

You might think that, oh, you know, I don't need to add it. There's nobody who is blind in my class. But if you are in a habit of doing that from the beginning, It becomes part of the way you approach things. And then and should there be somebody who uses a screen reader, Then everybody else would benefit from that. The last category is color. Using and contrasting colors to increase the eligibility of the There's so many different tools that you can use to check color contrast. One that I use the most is WebAIM. It's a free tool that is online To check the foreground and then the background.

Eunice [00:27:17]:

There has been different research about whether to use black on white or white on black. My take on that is that as long as you have the contrast some students might have white background on the black text might be too bright for them, So you can still do a dark background on a pie text, but whatever you do you know, however you choose to do it, you want to make sure that you have the highest con contrast to the text, keeping the color coding consistent across all the content. Right? So if, let's say, for example, Your titles are all bolded. You definitely want to have that throughout the whole, content. Use contrasting colors to highlight and draw attention to key concept using color contrast checker to check the preview, the color selection decisions. So using those tools to ensure that you have all the the tools you need for this the color to contrast in a way that Students will be able to easily assess instructional content and one thing that I did not mention here is also I'm using The accessibility checkers in all you know, Microsoft Word has accessibility checkers. Microsoft Word and PowerPoint, All of them have accessibility checkers that are available that you can use. A go to would be once you create a PowerPoint, quickly click on check accessibility, and immediately it gives you some ideas before that content even goes out to your

Sheldon [00:28:49]:

to lens. I love that. Okay. So speaking of students speaking of students, what are some ways that they can be a part of this process. So we have the 5 in learning designs. What are some ways that if I'm a teacher who's like, okay. I got this part, but I also want my students to be involved in this process and have some buy in as well. What are suggestions that you would, throw out there?

Eunice [00:29:14]:

One thing that I usually would do with my students at the beginning of the semester is to let them know the tools that they have available in terms of assistive technology tools. So there's so many tools that are already there for them. So I'm like, you don't have to struggle to read your articles. If your article so 1, you know, like, if you, the instructor, think about providing open educational resources to your student, having their articles Online, wanting to engage them and say, hey. Here's a tool. Try it out. What do you think? I use that a whole lot. So right from the beginning of the semester, I'm asking them, You know, use this text to speech software speech to text software.

Eunice [00:29:53]:

What do you think about it? You know, you can also provide opportunity for the students to show you they understand content Looking at different ways. Like, for example, having the student record a video for a reflection assignment as opposed to having them type out a text. Right? So no. So bringing those accessibility things into the classroom is really helpful. And even discussing with your student, What do you think about this slide? What do you think about that slide? And really helping them to think about when you are creating your own instructions also, you need to think about These things. If this is helpful for you, then it would be also helpful for somebody else also, you know, in terms of having the students do class presentations and things like that. We Kind of have that conversation to help them think through some of these accessibility strategies themselves.

Sheldon [00:30:41]:

But I think if we're modeling by example, like you said, just mentioned, look. I know you might be able to read it this way, or I know you might prefer it this way, but guess what? What if we do it that way and we add a a couple more options into it so that some of your colleagues, some of your friends, and your, you know, classmates could be able to, absorb the content as well.

Eunice [00:31:01]:

Sometimes they are doing, like, discussion assignments. You have a discussion board. You know, in your learning management system, the students are typing. All of that is a message, really, that is going out to somebody else. So you want to make it clear as possible. You want to use these same strategies that I'm using in creating the content for you for the benefit of everyone else on there.

Sheldon [00:31:21]:

Gotcha. Alright. I got 1 more question. Well, well, actually, I got 2 more questions. One one question that I that I've been thinking about, because I've I've heard you mention Office 365 as a platform. You know, you got your PowerPoint, your Word, and and every Excel and everything there. Are there because I know that some of my listeners may not be as technical, and so they may not be able to you know, this is already sounding overwhelming as it is. And for those who are are there platforms that kinda do a lot of the stuff that's that you would recommend if, you know, look.

Sheldon [00:31:54]:

May I'm not as tech savvy, but I want to incorporate mobile learning into my My classroom, are there some suggested platforms that you have?

Eunice [00:32:02]:

Yeah. So I think Office 3 65, it's more of like a paid, tool, But Google Suite also have a lot of these accessibility strategies embedded already in there. An example is Grackle. GRACoL is the accessibility checker for Google documents and Google Slides. And once you have the Google email, You can create any document. You can put those you know, you can put that on a on a mobile device, kind of look at use the same strategies we've talked about And see make sure that it's legible. You're using the same. But that's the same thing that you can do with Office 3 65.

Eunice [00:32:37]:

You can do do it with a Google suite as well. So it's free. It's easy for you to use. So, definitely, I'm always an advocate for using the free tools that you already have available. There's so many of Them that you already have. For example, Tulane, we use Careswire three thousand which is a a Texas based software. A massive reader is also an assistive technology. That's the same exact thing.

Eunice [00:33:02]:

Not as highly functional as the other one, but it does pretty much almost the same thing. So absolutely use the same tools, the same free tools. So, like, in message reader, you can u put that as a as an Extension on your Chrome extension, and you can use that to read any text to you. So having the students you know, you knowing where this The the free tools are and utilizing them and having your students also use it is very important.

Sheldon [00:33:29]:

I would tell you one thing. This has been a very informative lesson, a class, workshop, whatever you wanna call it. This is very informative. I I really do appreciate you taking the time and doing the research for us and sharing your knowledge with us all. I'd love for you to take a moment to share with us one final word of advice to our listeners.

Eunice [00:33:48]:

One thing that I would say is that In terms of accessibility whether it's in on a mobile device or wherever capacity you are creating any message, Intentionality is very important. Just taking a pause and looking at, okay, I'm designing this message for this audience. What can I do to make sure that everybody on this audience is able to come together to meet with this content or this message I'm creating? Being intentional about accessibility and look looking at all the different things that you can do right from the beginning. Not retrofitting the accessibility into The content after it's created by thinking about that from the beginning, giving it maybe 1 or 2 or 3 minute thought. And what I always tell my faculty and my students, Think about 1 thing that you can incorporate into your message, one accessibility strategy. Of everything we've talked about, Think about 1 thing you can change. And the more you add onto it, the next time you add another one to it. And then eventually it becomes Part of you and something that you kind of think about from the beginning.

Eunice [00:34:52]:

So don't overwhelm yourself too much with so many different things. Like, I have to do all these things. Think about targeting one thing. And once you accomplish that, you you it makes a difference even with just one thing.

Sheldon [00:35:05]:

Alright. That's that's we'll leave it right there. If if we got some folks that wanna connect with you, what's the best way to reach you online?

Eunice [00:35:11]:

I work at a center for engaged learning and teaching So you can find me there. You know, I'm also a member, at the Tulane School of Professional Ad Ad Advancement. So when you search on Tulane website, you You would find me and find my contact there as well.

Sheldon [00:35:27]:

Alright, Eunice. It has been a pleasure. Thank you so much for your time.

Eunice [00:35:30]:

Thank you so much.

Hosted by Dr. Sheldon L. Eakins

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  • The Power of Persistence- Recognize how to endure challenges as they may arise.
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