FREE Resource: 10 Steps to Get You on the Right Path Towards Leading Equity


About Kiera Vargas, JD

Kiera Vargas is an educator who realizes that one of the key components to teaching is to “love thy student and nurture them like your own.”

She has taught in North Carolina, she was the 2019 Teacher of the Year for Madison County, located in Madison, Florida, and taught for a Department of Defense Education Activity School in Kentucky, and she currently teaches in the Language, Literature, and Philosophy Department at Tennessee State University.

Kiera Vargas has presented on various topics; to include most recently, “Librarians Being Open-Minded Professionals: Fostering Diversity, Inclusion, & Equity,” Building Teacher/Relationship;

Kiera Vargas holds a BS in Journalism and Mass Communication concentration Public Relations and MS in English Education from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, a Juris Doctorate from Charlotte School of Law, and an MLIS from Drexel University.

Kiera’s research interests are: Critical Race Theory, School to Prison Pipeline, Minorities and

Education, The Education Gap, Education Policy, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX, Information Literacy.

Show Highlights

  • The Importance of Relationships During COVID-19
  • Establishing Communication With Students
  • Building Relationships During COVID-19
  • Building Relationships Online
  • Connecting With Students

Connect with Kiera

Twitter: @DrSurvivor

We Share, You Are Empowered Virtual Summit

Connect with me on Twitter@sheldoneakins

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