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About Shamari Reid

Shamari is a doctoral candidate at Teachers College, Columbia University in the department of Curriculum & Teaching where he is completing his dissertation on the agency of Black LGBTQ+ youth in NYC. Before starting his doctoral program, he completed a B.A. in Spanish Education at Oklahoma City University and an M.A in Spanish and TESOL at New York University. He has taught Spanish and ESL at the elementary, secondary, and post secondary levels in Oklahoma, New York, Uruguay, and Spain. Most recently, he began teaching undergraduate and graduate courses on Urban Education, Teaching Developmental Reading, and Literacy, Language, and Culture at CUNY-Hunter College. His research explores the possibilities of involving Black youth in explorations of their agency, activism, and advocacy and what such explorations could mean for the preparation of their teachers.

Show Highlights

  • Marginalization and Minoritization
  • Control of Language
  • Asset-Based Language
  • Invisible People
  • Getting Validation
  • Empowering Students of Color

Connect with Shamari


Twitter: @shamarikreid

Connect with me on Twitter @sheldoneakins

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