FREE Resource: 10 Steps to Get You on the Right Path Towards Leading Equity
About Nicole DeWitt
Nicole DeWitt has been in education since 2002 and has served as a classroom teacher, AVID instructor, English Learner Coordinator, and intervention developer prior to becoming a site administrator. Helping students achieve their goals while addressing academic and social-emotional needs has always been her number one priority, and she truly enjoys developing systems of support to ensure equity and access for all students. Her work establishing social-emotional supports at the high school level has been featured at the San Diego County Equity Symposium and California Student Mental Health and Wellness Conference.
Show Highlights
Connect with Nicole DeWitt
Twitter: @DeNdewitt
Additional Resources
Meeting the Social-Emotional Needs of ALL Students
Connect with me on Twitter @sheldoneakins
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This FREE download will give you 10 strategies to help you develop an equity competent mindset (AND give you a shot of confidence that you can become an ADVOCATE for your students!).