About Mr. Ken Shelton

Ken currently holds an M.A. in Education with a specialization in Educational Technology as well as New Media Design and Production. He has worked as an Educator for over 14 years and most recently taught technology at the Middle School level. As a part of his active involvement within the Educational Technology community, Ken is an Apple Distinguished Educator and a Google Certified Innovator. Ken has worked extensively at the policy level and was named to the California State Superintendent of Public Instruction's Education Technology Task Force. Ken regularly gives keynotes and leads workshops, covering a wide variety of Educational Technology, Equity and Inclusion, Multimedia Literacy, Visual Learning, Visual Storytelling, and Instructional Design topics. Ken is the ISTE Digital Equity PLN 2018 Excellence Award winner.

Show Highlights

  • The school to prison pipeline and why we should be concerned
  • The impact of Zero Tolerance policies
  • Dress Code policies
  • Alternatives to Zero Tolerance
  • Revisiting discipline policies

Connect with Ken

Twitter: @k_shelton

Websites: www.kennethshelton.net

Connect with me on Twitter @sheldoneakins

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